So I decided I'm going to reinstall WoW. For those of you who don't know that stands for World of Warcraft. I haven't really played since my son was born and now that he wants to play by himself some I decided to reinstall.
Believe it or not this is kind of hard to do. I want to spend as much time as I can with him but I also want to relax and play. I'll probably end up playing after he goes to bed.
The kind of gamer that I am is odd. I love storylines but I don't feel the need to get too involved. I used to play Star Wars Battlefront as I could drop in to the middle of a battle, get killed, rez, and then turn it off when I had to. WoW does take a little more time than that. Between all the running around, questing, and gathering.
We'll see how it goes, I decided to change my frequency to monthly so if I do decide to quit it can be a lot quicker.
There is a bubble inside me
It lives just below my chest cavity in a place called the pit of my stomach
I always know it’s there, but I don’t always know w...
6 years ago